Sunday, August 1, 2010

Diptych, triptych and other tics

My friend John Barclay, master of most things photographic, posts some stunning Triptych images from time to time on his blog. These remind me that there are a couple of quite good Apps for this process although they're not all presented in this way.

The App I use for example Strip Designer is presented as an application for the creation of comic book strips...strip designer.  It's the ability to include text boxes...clouds...that give this App it's name and logo...Pow!

Another recent offering is Diptic.  There are other Apps available if one is so inclined.

The things to look for in these Apps I believe are the number of templates they provide and of course does it save full resolution.  It's been my experience with most Apps that the developers are very responsive to, and appreciative of input from users.  If 'Tych presentation is of interest look for an app that has pleasing templates and contact the developer with requests/suggestions.  The last issue, resolution however seems to be a different kettle of fish.  There is evidently a hurdle or two in saving full resolution images but many figure it out and I for one just don't care to invest any time at all in an App which doesn't.

I include a few "Strips" below, Coffee, Halloween and the last which I like but the lovely Miss Paulette not so much.  I call it "Yes Dear" (of course).

1 comment:

  1. Interesting APPs.. Not quite what I'm doing with them but good non the less and yet another reason for and iPhone in my life in the near future.

    Thanks for the plug!
