Sunday, September 19, 2010

still summer

officially it's still summer although the weather started shouting "Winter!" a couple of weeks ago.  This global cooling is tiresome sometimes.

Hipstamatic, CameraBag, frames by Akvis


  1. cool!! I mean the photos, not the weather, although it's lovely here, cooling off nicely!
    So which process did you use to get this framed it!!!

  2. Hmm. It seems that my comments don't post unless I sign in first. Weird. The frames are part of a software package I purchased from Akvis. They make about the best Oilpaint and Watercolor simulation programs I have found (that I can use that is). The 2 programs are in a package with a third Frames / Textures program for the same price as the 2 programs alone. I hadn't looked at the program but now that I do it's quite sophisticated.
