Friday, December 3, 2010

New Toy

I have been toying with the idea to try pinhole photography once again.  I have a pretty large stash of 4x5 film both B&W and Color as well as a dozen or so film holders that are just not being used and I'm feeling guilty about that.  Buy something new as guilt medicine...shoulda thought of that before.

At any rate I purchased a ZeroImage camera.  It's more expensive than others but it's just so darn pretty.

The iPhone has an App, Light Meter that is just that, a light meter.  The App is free and for 99 cents I get a larger, ad free screen.  The App is quite sophisticated with lots of options.  The camera has a 183 f stop pinhole and the App has a setting for 181.


  1. I've been thinking of getting either an iPhone or a HTC desire Android style ... I've seen this app and thought it might be nice. I've found that for pinhole however that the accuracy of exposure determination is a bit defeated by the often long exposures / requirement for reciprocity addition (often 2 stops) and the leeway of negative in coping with stuff.

    accordingly I just use my digital at f5.6 and multiply time by about a thousand

    gets me pretty bang on in all situations:

    have fun with that!!

  2. wow those are great. You're correct, reciprocity is a problem. Am I just imagining things or did every film container come with a data sheet which included many things, reciprocity formulas included?

    iPhoneography is an entirely different beast. iPhone or Android. I really can't comment on the Android, but the iPhone is fabulous for photography. It's all in the Apps. I might suggest one thing though, if the sales person goes to some length to stress the number of free apps his phone has just walk away. Trust me on this, it's not the $2 for an app that matters but what it does, how you might use it and I'm discovering, how many other creative folks are using it as well because you will learn from them.

  3. >Am I just imagining things or did every film container come with a data sheet which included many things, reciprocity formulas included?

    they used to ... but I ain't seen it for a while .. is your fiend on that ;-)
