Sunday, August 1, 2010

Thank you John and thank you Jens

John's blog with the triptych got me thinking about my iPhone App, Strip Design again and a quick check showed me that the developer Jens Egeblad has created an iPad version. I LIKE it!  There's just something about the Apps written for the iPad, larger screen size sure but also more options,  more interesting and creative things to do.

I was attempting unsuccessfully to get an image of the bee working this flower but wound up with an interesting image of the flower.  Running the image through Tiffen's photo fx Ultra to add some color tint and it seemed a natural to try the iPad version of Strip Design.  This App has several templates, allows individual image placement (zoom, rotate etc) and then gives the opportunity to keep the image placement while swapping templates.  Zoomie actually...and there are dozens of templates to chose from.
While it disappointingly doesn't save a full size image it does offer the opportunity to e-mail as a PDF which appears to be full size.  This involves a few extra steps but does give a large file if I decide to print.

Jens was also very responsive to my questions...thanks again.

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